
Enter Title October 13, 2017 a Skype interview to determine the English language level proficiency was held with the participants of Erasmus+ Bulgaria project. The inteview was held by Director of International Cooperation of Varna University of Mnagement  - Christina Armutlieva. According to results of the interview the following applicants were granted scholarships to study at Varna University of Management: Karobkina Aryna, Abramau Pavel and Usau Aliaksandr. December 15, 2015 a Skype interview to determine the English language level proficiency was held with the participants of Erasmus+ Bulgaria project. The inteview was held by Director of International Cooperation of Varna University of Mnagement  - Christina Armutlieva. According to results of the interview the following applicants were granted scholarships to study at Varna University of Management: Snitko Darya, Martsiushova Anastasiya and Babyna Katsiaryna. October 2015 project of academic mobility in the context of Erasmus+ programme started within Inter-Institutional agreement with Varna University of Management (Bulgaria). The project provides student and staff mobility.

The project duration is from 2015 till 2021.